

Abortion defiles the sanctity of life. Fetuses are not merely clumps of cells we are talking about here – they are fragments of our very own DNA. They are fellow human beings. If we are unable to justify the murder of Huang Na (an incident which caused a very big woo-ha, I might add), how is it that people find abortion acceptable? Are they not murderers?

Of course, looking at things from one perspective is not enough. When there are two human entities within a single body, one of their rights must prevail over the other. People use this argument to justify abortion, and I agree there are some situations which fit this reasoning (e.g. rape victim having a misbegotten brood).

However, in most cases in our society, the reasons for abortion are within control. Statistics have shown that there are approximately 126,000 abortions happening daily, which in turn would show there are approximately 46 million number of abortions per year! Now this might seem to be a hugely shocking number – but what is even worse is that out of these 46 million abortions, only about 1% occur because of rape or incest. 6% occurs because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or the child, and 93% occur because of ‘social’ reasons, which would encompass the teenagers in the

Most cases of abortion results from irresponsible behaviour. As can be seen from the article, many women have undergone the operation multiple times. One of them even commented that “using a condom will lessen sexual satisfaction” and so conveniently decides to practice casual sex and for that few moments of pleasure. That is simply rash and immature. The article is trying to send the message that using contraceptives would remove unwanted pregnancies and in turn, reduce the rate of abortions.

Another point the article is trying to make is the mindsets of teenagers nowadays. I quote, "I fall asleep in the doctor's clinic and when I wake up, the baby is gone," From their point of view, the baby is of no relation to them, and since they are not born, abortion would not constitute to anything. However, do they not understand that with each operation they undergo, another life is taken? While they feel no pain, a soul is being ripped apart in their body. I understand that as young teens with unwanted pregnancies, undergo immense stress. The thought of having to bring a baby up at this young age is simply horrifying - it would ruin their future. However, i stand by my viewpoint. Either abstain from sex, or use contraceptives.

I do not personally know any one who has had an abortion, or an unwanted pregnancy for that matter. Perhaps
this would indicate that I am in no position to comment on this issue. I admit that I am prejudiced in the sense I
have always thought abortion was wrong, and it constitutes murder. Perhaps there is a reason justifying their
actions. But, perhaps there isn't.

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